"Life (Portal to the Future)"
by Zach Bowman
Cedar Falls, Iowa
Artist Statement:
For this piece I was thinking about life and the different journeys or paths people take along the way. I then thought of the saying- life is like a roller coaster, there are a lot of ups and downs. I wanted to make a sculpture that incorporated both of these ideas. Life is my interpretation of how life's journey can be like an amusement ride.
There are people that succeed and people that go under the radar so to speak. Life can suck a person up and spit them out better or worse. The ride starts at the base of the "tail". The concaved metal indicates a pulling or sucking force is being applied. Once a person goes through the narrowest part while being simultaneously spun around they reach the point where they succeed or fail. If one fails they fall through the crack and back to the ground, where they start all over. If one succeeds they are shot out the other side where they will be flying high.